Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Acts: 7:1-53, Psalm 32, Leviticus 16-18

So... Acts had recapped on Genesis a little bit on Abraham and Joseph that continued to go onto Moses... it was pretty much a way to prove a point from Steven to the high priests...
The verses in Leviticus... uhm...not sure what else to say about them... there are so many things that were covered in these few chapters, but i still am not seeing much that are relevant to today's life... i see certain things that may be interesting to their culture as it was developing as they were delivered from Egypt... but when i got to chapter 18 i saw the laws about sex...and a lot of those made a lot of sense when going through them because they were pretty in line to what was going on today... what was wrong in God's eyes back then are pretty much still wrong in American society and my POV... i'm pretty sure chapter 18 would be considered one of those "Timeless Truths" of the Bible... things that should still be relevant to today in our society and what is wrong back then... for me though... there are so many things that i hear that can be debatable on things that are timeless truths in the Bible... 

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