Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Matthew 23:13-39, Psalm21, exodus 17-19

Jesus makes it pretty clear in this passage that just knowing scripture does not make you a better person, and it shows that Jesus can get very angry... So it kinda makes me think of how we should control our emotions but there are times where we do get angry...and i'm sure there are many more verses in the Bible where Jesus gets super angry. That's besides the point though... i've realized how yeah we do talk about how we ourselves can be considered the Pharisees because we say one thing and do another... so... these verses may be pointed at you or me or anyone else for that matter... because we all fall short and we are not perfect. But we are so blessed because we have this to remind us that we need to make sure we have the right focus...
Out of the Exodus verses, i feel like chapter 18 stuck out... Jethro (father in law of Moses) had some really wise advice for Moses... and that was just interesting because God was able to speak to Moses to speak to the people of Israel, but it didn't make Moses perfect. Jethro's plan to divide the people and make leaders of groups gave a lot of order to lead the people because Moses would have to deal with just a few people instead of thousands of people.

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