Friday, February 17, 2012

Matthew 28, Psalm 27:1-6, Exodus 37-38

Jesus rises... i could say this is one of he most important? (but i've been realizing that most of the bible is important... so... i would say main stories of the bible) Jesus coming back to life... Seeing Jesus must have been pretty awesome... like i said before it was kinda awesome how Jesus had done so many different miracles and i still kinda wonder if people were just like.. "oh yeah.. Jesus i know Him... He raises people from the dead, and He raised from the dead Himself..." even if that's not all He does... maybe we are just to think like that... i mean... it says in the bible that He's done all of these things... and it is amazing, but God can always surprise us with things like this... it's awesome to know that whatever awesome thing we've seen it's pretty awesome to know that God has something even more awesome than that last awesome thing we saw... which is awesome...

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