Thursday, February 2, 2012

Matthew 21:23-46, Psalm 19, Exodus 9-11

Reading Exodus... i kinda think of how it would relate to us today... and it seems like we ourselves are a lot like Pharaoh... we at times have heavy hearts. We can listen to many different sermons and have many different people coming to us and saying we need to fix things, but at times we may seem like we can go on without them. Even with the miracles that are shown by Aaron and Moses, the Pharaoh seems to have his "magicians" to do the same thing or have a rational explanation for things. The Pharaoh saw many of the miracles, and he even saw the Plagues come in and as soon as they would stop it would say..."The LORD hardened Pharaohs heart..." it's still kinda hard to understand what this means... so what was God wanting to do with Pharaoh? i mean... he must have learned something from each one...
just confuses me...

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