Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Matthew 27:1-26, Psalm 25:1-15, Exodus 32-33

The trials and crucifixion of Jesus... it's kinda crazy on how Jesus was able to endure everything... from the verbal abuse to the physical abuse he had suffered... He also didn't show fear...
In Psalms... i feel like almost every time I read David seems to be always looking up towards God, most of the verses I always remember even through hard times he looks up toward God no matter what circumstances... I mean.. there are times when i knew i felt God's presence... and yes i know in the back of my mind that God is always there, but i still feel like i will always be less than David... he just seems to know more... i would like to see someone that would be able to have a relationship with God like David in Psalms did. and how that would work out, cuz i know there are a lot of times where i just need God but i don't look up to Him for some reason... yes the world was probably different back then, it being thousands of years ago... but since we have Jesus and the Holy Spirit maybe it should be different? maybe i'm just lacking recently...

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