Thursday, February 16, 2012

Matthew 27:27-66, Psalm 25:16-2, 26:1-12, Exodus 34-36

Jesus dies for our sins... just hearing it so often can make it so simple... but reading about it makes it so real... and kinda heartbreaking because of what He went through... i mean... it wasn't just a simple execution that would have an instantaneous death, but He went to court and was humiliated and spat on and kicked and beat... and then mocked... and even going through all that He wouldn't even receive the little comfort that they were trying to give them... He was willing to take everything from them. just a random thought came to my head when i was reading this... after Jesus is on the cross and when He says "Father forgive them for they don't know what they're doing." and one of the criminals say that Jesus was innocent... i always thought that something happened to the other guy that scoffed at Jesus... i somehow thought that a crow came and ate one of his eyes... i don't know how i thought of that... might have been a movie.. but reading through the parts in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John it didn't say that.. or maybe i'm just missing it somewhere...  i'm not sure but these kinda things may not be relevant but it seems to kinda pester me for some reason... it is nice to see that God i s always giving us another chance though... even at the brink of death one of the criminals acknowledge Jesus as being innocent and ends up meeting with Jesus in heaven... i think that's pretty awesome.

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