Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Acts 2:1-13, Psalm 27:7-14, Leviticus 1-3

So... I've gone through like 3 books already! wow kinda seems like a lot.
Ah.. Acts is starting to become so interesting.. We're going over it in church, and it covers the Holy Spirit! our way of actually communicating with God. chapter 2 immediately starts with people just being filled and then speaking in tongues... if i read this a couple years back i would be like what the... but after going through the past few years and reflecting on what i've seen... people praying in tongues and praying in tongues myself i feel like i know a little bit more on what was going on. it is pretty amazing to see this is the bible because it can still happen today... i remember when i heard about people speaking in tongues and i thought it was like meh... ok.. but then i heard it and was probably kinda distracted and was like uhhhhh... but then when i went to DTS and was learning about the Holy Spirit and how He fills in you and then that's what makes you speak in a different language... usually what only God can understand..

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