So... we went over this chapter in church about a month ago.. went back into my notes that i took during the sermon that day... We went through what Peter and John did with a beggar that was on the streets that was sick. Peter and John were pretty straightforward in what they were doing and they did not hesitate in speaking to the beggar and healing him.
I am still finding the New Testament portions more applicable to my life than the Old Testament... not that the Old Testament is boring.. which i don't think it is but i just feel like i can learn way more from the things in the New Testament. Like it just seems that this part is the instructions on what to do and The Old Testament is kind of a history rather than pertaining to life now. But Psalms seems to help out a lot because i've seen so many things written by David and how he was suffering and telling God that he was suffering and then praising God when he did.
I do suppose that there are a lot of parts that I haven't yet been through to say that about the Old Testament right now... because there are many references in The New Testament about the prophets that spoke maybe i'm just not completely seeing everything yet..
dude Leviticus is sooo thick and boringg haha
ReplyDeletemeh. late reply. but yah. i get that it's a hard read, but it's actually not think at all if you're talking lengthwise... it's like half as long as Genesis... i just find it hard to get things out of it right now