Thursday, March 1, 2012

Acts 7:54-60, Psalm 33:1-11, Leviticus 19-20

Not to dog on the people that set up this plan.. but i wish they had put Acts 6 and 7 together in one day... but reading chapter 7 and seeing what kind of man Stephen was... and him just calmly being able to give up his life... that deserves respect, he's definitely someone who i would want to talk with if i ever got the chance to... well i guess there would be a lot more... probably every person that was mentioned... while in heaven though if there is all of eternity to talk i guess it would be awesome to talk with anyone that was mentioned in the bible.
In Leviticus there is a pretty big set of rules that are just being said... it's kinda hard to be able to know what is still wrong, i mean most of them are pretty clear on why they are wrong, but with Jesus coming in the New Testament i'm sure these are the rules that the Pharisees use and try to enforce on the people... then Jesus shows what is right and wrong... so like i said in the last post it's still something to do with the things that are in the Bible that are timely or timeless... how we should look at them and follow them...

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