I didn't even notice that last reading was the end of Leviticus... there were so many things that i kinda couldn't see relevant but i think it turned out pretty well going through and i did learn at least things about culture. Although the book name changed though it doesn't seem like there is a big jump it just seems to continue on with Moses and what he is doing with Aaron to lead the people.
Acts is starting to become inspiring and discouraging at the same time i think... it shows that we as believers of Christ have the same capabilities as Peter or John as long as we stay in touch with the Holy Spirit... but i feel many times we can doubt the things that the Holy Spirit can do...but it feels good to know that these things are happening because i've seen things like this happen... to be baptized by the Holy Spirit and seeing people that have never spoken in other languages start to speak in tongue... it's pretty crazy at first but seeing what happens... the only explanation is the Holy Spirit... people will be baffled by seeing these kinds of things because they don't know the Holy Spirit... but then... when i first saw people speaking in tongues i was kinda surprised too... and even speaking in tongues when i do it, it still is pretty crazy... it is a great tool to communicate with God but i would say it isn't always necessary to use... people can be creeped out by it and it could draw non believers away and keep them away.. but at the right times it can be pretty powerful.
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