The Sermon on the Mount.
Jesus talks a lot about what is in man's heart, and how we should control ourselves not only on the outer being but what we think about and have in our minds.
but Jesus also explained that as we follow Him we can be the light of the world.
I feel that if I was there listening to Jesus i probably would have taken many of His words literally... and most of it would have made sense, but things like if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off... those things would have really gotten to me.
Almost everyday i feel like my emotions will get to me, but i'm starting to realize that I don't ever really invite God into what I am feeling.
I feel that i just need to trust in the Lord more than i do right now. Like the tower of babel, i start to think i can do things by myself, people were thinking that if they worked together they would be able to reach high places by building a tower and making themselves greater.
but God totally owned them by confusing the language...
I also noticed again about how God speaks as "let us..." referring Himself as all three, i'm kinda excited to go through this year and learn more about Him, i still probably don't know much at all about God although growing up in church and even doing DTS, i know some things, but i know this year He will continue to show me more who He is and what He will do throughout this year and the rest of the future.
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