Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Matthew 19, proverbs 3:1-12, exodus 1-3

Eh... It's late... But yesterday was kind of a downer day for me... Not sure what was going on but I had some serious problem... I did run into some people at the mall though... After talking with them(they were some wrestling buddies I knew in hs) I realized that I am in a lot better position than other people... And that I am very blessed... It is late for Monday's entry, but I did feel at the end of the day that my day was a lot better than it was in the last few hours of it... It was the last day to hang out with Grant... He's moving to Korea and it was nice to spend time with him and pray for him on his journey to Korea for work... We'll miss him for sure...


  1. hey calvin!

    I hope this doesn't sound too stalkerish but I've been following your updates and have been really encouraged by the things God is showing you.

    glad to see you at claim jumper yesterday. had no idea anything was up. let me know if you're up for chatting about it!

  2. haha. thanks ben. yeah i'm okay now.. i think it was just a low day for some reason... haha yeah the posts are just a way to help me stay in the word more... Sam and I had an agreement to do it when the new year started. it's awesome to see so many new things from reading... i feel that there are so many things that i am continuing to grow in...
