Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Matthew 20, Psalm 18:30-36, Exodus 4-6:1-12

Both Matthew and Exodus are talking about work. Although Egyptians working as slaves and in Matthew they were hired farmers, both of the people end up complaining about something wrong. In Matthew the farmers that came first were in an agreement to work for a denarius(silver coin), but had other people come in later on and paid them the same amount leading up to the people that started earlier to complain. In Exodus, Pharaoh makes the Egyptians work for him almost endlessly, and as Moses came in to try and let them go with words the Pharaoh ends up giving the Israelites more work making them get their own straw for the bricks that they have to build, but not decreasing the amount. With that, the Israelites complained to Pharaoh and then to Moses and Aaron.
I realized after reading these passages it is hard for someone to actually be pleased with what they have. We all usually have to have something more... even if we have something pretty good. If we see things from other people and compare with others we end up not not being thankful for what we do have and wanting something more.
Wanting something more though can be either good or bad, just selfishness can get in the way and make it bad.

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