Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Matthew 4, Psalm 3, Genesis 9

The verse from Psalms had stuck out to me this time i was reading. David was talking about how he has so many enemies but he isn't afraid at all. He knew that God would be by his side at all times and be his shield. He said he wasn't afraid of ten thousand enemies, but he knew that God was with him even while he was sleeping. For me i easily forget how great God is, and i'm probably not the only one... we easily forget and try to do things on our own... but God is always there to help us out with anything just as long as we put our trust in Him...
Another note... i also thought of how great His forgiveness is. Today i was backing out and shattered my rear window... i was freaking out
i had to call my dad and tell him, but i was scared of what my dad would say.
my dad was calm about it, and he just said that i would have to take it to the shop, but it kinda showed me more about God's forgiveness, and how Jesus died for us so that he would be able to forgive everyone who just asked. We just need to face fear and ask God for our forgiveness... although sometimes it may seem like a really hard thing to do, He will ALWAYS forgive.
it was a poopy day, but now thinking about it God loves us. :)

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