Monday, January 23, 2012

Matthew 14, Proverbs 2:12-22, Genesis 39-40

Jesus fed over 5000 thousand people using five loaves of bread and two fish...
Jesus just seems to amaze me every single time i read about Him... He truly has super powers ;)
i was pretty baffled on this story... just reading about all the miracles that Jesus did i wonder what the disciples' reactions were as He was doing them... i feel like maybe we can get used to it... but i bet the miracles each time were just so amazing one by one it would be hard to get used to...
In Genesis... reading about Joseph makes me think about my brothers and relationships with siblings... like my relationship with my two brothers...
We were all treated pretty differently by my parents, and it may have shown in various different ways. talked with my mom about it and we were treated very differently... but i'm sure we all have our different gifts in our own way... i just hope we can all understand that our parents love all of us equally... and care about us all the time.

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