Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Matthew 12: 1-21, psalm 10, genesis 31

After reading Matthew it just shows how much we as Christians can be so much like the Pharisees that were attacking Jesus... It can be so easy to start judging people and start pointing fingers at people doing something wrong.. But Jesus shows then that what they should really be doing is loving like God loves... Showing love instead of just following rules After reading this I went to psalm and it was about David talking about evil people in the world People that go on with their lives without God He seemed so angry with his words David was so concerned for the people so he prays for them... Sometimes I feel that I am blind to things like this... David prays for the people in the world that have been messed up and blinded by sin... And we are still blinded sometimes and so we need to stay with God because He forgives us for our sins and He is the one that will be there as long as we ask Him to.

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