Thursday, April 7, 2011


Went to ensanada and had probably the best tacos I've ever eaten in my life...
Mexico is pretty awesome... Im loving the people here and I'm loving how we are able to help out...
We started this drama today that has music changing and dancing.. No speaking.. Not sure what it's called but it is coming out to be pretty cool and we're gonna perform it this weekend most likely if we get it down...
God has been good to us and will continue to be good to us... We will have faith in Him and He will be know to the people we meet

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


It's been an interesting day...
Went to some sketchy places and I prayed for some of the people there... It was hard watching... I feel that we should always thank God for what we have... There are so many things that we might not think of in our everyday lives and it just opened my eyes a little bit more today
God thank you for life and freedom to be able to worship you.
Thank you for giving me freedom of choice and I pray that you will continue to provide for us everyday

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Outreach has finally begun... Lecture phase has been such an awesome journey and now I am in Tijuana just arrived... Gotta catch up on some Spanish and start to do what God wants us to do here... MOre updates soon

Friday, February 25, 2011


i am such a forgetful person, in the name of Jesus please help me to get rid of these problems of forgetfulness
i thought i lost my notebook.. i took it out the other day to put some other stuff in it and left it on my bed but it got knocked over. then i freaked out because i lost my notebook which had weeks of lecture notes on it
so i prayed and prayed and talked with my friends and they said it'll show up. and thank God... it did
God had given me strength through a lot of the lectures here.. physically and spiritually.
He provided me with friends too that are such inspiration because we're all at different levels and we learn differently and we can learn from each other..
i just give thanks to God for friends, family, strength, knowledge.
i feel like a bible verse came up.. i remember reading it in a card that one of my cousins gave to my family. it's Ephesians 1:16 saying "I have not stopped giving thanks for you."
just reminds us that we need to be not only talking with the Lord at all times but also giving thanks for what He has done throughout your life and others' lives.
always be thankful for blessings He has given

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I am listening to music

listening to music, reading, typing,
this is school... sometimes i forget.. because it's so awesome in learning about God and how it's actually impacting my life. i'm sure school does impact life but this is so much different than academics..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


God can make you do anything
He gives us gifts and talents
He blesses us
that's it.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

week start 2/21/11

i get so excited about things i'm learning.. this is pretty cool... I am going to start learning from a girl named Amy Sullars. i'm not sure if i got her name right but she is an amazing person gifted by God.. and just getting to hear her speak is pretty exciting in itself.
she did her DTS not too long ago but the more exciting part is her testimony and how she got to coming to DtS. i'm excited to learn from her and what God wants her to say to us.
another exciting thing is that i finally got to go to hayashi's.. the sushi spot here.. and i have to say.. it was nothing short of amazing.. i think i want to go again very soon haha

Saturday, February 19, 2011

game night

had a game night with the group.
some of them are still playing.
a lot of interesting games people think of haha.
today at dinner i got to play a game just like nerts.. just that it had its own specific deck for it.. was pretty exciting but it was harder because the cards were different
asdf... daily blogs can get kinda lame.. but actually i might have a post tomorrow of what i've learned this week.. it was a great week with uncle Penny about the father heart of God

Friday, February 18, 2011


eh.. i don't want to sound cheesy.
but yeah.. God works in awesome ways... i feel so refreshed by Him but yet i am still the same guy
i just need more guidance from Him.
i'm just trying to put my trust in God more and more for what He has in store.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

wendys trip

oh how i love Jesus,
and trips to eat food at night because we all get hungry
tonight i got to see a centipede and a millipede... it was pretty exciting...
my friend Eva definitely screamed hella loud and ran off.. i was pretty freaked out too.. i hate bugs.
oh how fun... bleeehh

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

you're starting to put things on my heart very clearly God

either that or i just haven't been listening or accepting the things you show me.
probably the latter.
i don't think a long post is necessary. just gotta say that i have to keep trusting God for what He has planned for me. and how He's gonna prepare me for the things ahead.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Ok God.
i'm pretty sure i can't really ignore this much longer... I am amazed by what you have shown me through Penny our speaker today. and i'm excited to hear much more from him.
but You God, have been pretty much waving this leadership thing right in front of me... there have been a few different times that which you have put me into a position saying that i am going to be a leader someday... i've kinda just shrugged it off... and that probably wasnt a good idea, but i don't know what i am exactly supposed to do. so will You show me? will You train me into what i need to do to become this "leadership" figure because You're obviously telling me i need to do something with it.
i just don't feel ready yet... but i know You are going to put me through the things i need to get through. i just gotta have faith and see what You have planned for me throughout the next few months and the future ahead of it. so.. just continue to help me grow more to be able to have these qualities because i know one thing for sure. that i can't do anything unless it's your plan.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

month here

can't believe it's already been a month..
i feel like i've learned a whole lot but i havent learned enough yet
i think the hardest part is actually applying it now.. but loads of information is coming in and i'm lovin' it

Thursday, February 10, 2011


i am hungry... in two ways... physically... yes i am craving food at 9:30pm.. almost every day..
and also spiritually... by continuously going to church for the past forever since i was born i didn't fully recognize how hungry i am for Jesus.. and what i am willing to do for him. in 20 years of my life i feel like i still need to learn more... and i feel like a whole lifetime isnt enough
but having a relationship with Him is just so wonderful. because He's always there.
i just have to look for Him. i feel that i still need to learn so much. time just goes by so fast. gotta get more.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011


i had pho today. yum.
watched like last 10 min of superbowl. totally missed glee. T-T but gonna watch soon
watched the strangers.. worst 6 bucks i spent in my life... never seen such a poorly made movie..
asdf... yeah. i'm so burnt.. i feel like i'm posting like i did back in the day on xanga.. i should've just kept posting on there..

Friday, February 4, 2011


well.. finished reading a book and realized that i should take notes and look at the criteria while reading the book because the assignment was a lot harder than i thought

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dean Sherman

Dean Sherman is a speaker at YWAM that has been speaking for years.
he's old... but he's a funny funny guy. he's been teaching about love and relationships
Before the beginning, there was a relationship. that of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We were made in the likeness of God
and a lot of other stuff... i just realized how awesome i was able to listen to him because it just felt that he was teaching so many things that you wouldnt hear from just sunday worship
and other things like that
i feel like i'm being overflowed by scripture lately.. it's pretty awesome.
i've learned that if there is no God there is no love.
the image of God is never alone-ness.
omg.. just so many things
s;ladkgjalskdhfa;lkdjf come and fill me up.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Queens Beach

finally got to go to the beach again
i missed a spot on my back and ended up getting sunburn on just one spot..
queens beach was awesome though..
we are starting to see bugs... i just killed a cockroach and threw it out but then saw a praying mantis on our trash can.. oh the wonders of God's creations.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My first 3 weeks.

 I can't believe it's already been 3 weeks in Hawaii. Although it seems like it's been more, it might be just the many things I've seen and what God can do in places like this. I have had other family members go to DTS in different areas and one of my brothers Chris have his here in Kona, but I never really got to talk too much about it and what DTS would have in store for me so I was half excited to meet God in a completely new way and a little bit anxious of what was in store for me.
I think one of the biggest things I've learned so far is about intercession. Before I came here I don't even think I've ever even heard the word, but for the past few weeks I learned a lot about it and came to realize that it is such an important tool in the Christian life. Growing up in church, I knew that God was real but there were so many times where I felt that God just wasn't listening or responding to what I had to say, and now after these past few weeks I've come to realize that I actually wasn't even truly looking toward God all the time and wanting to hear what He had to say.

another thing i learned that i wanted to point out is what Phil Leage explained to our class about different approaches to the Bible, the devotional, deductive, and inductive approaches.
Devotional where you are committed to going into the word and taking it as you are reading, deductive where you get into the Word already thinking you have a thesis for what you are about to read and drawing conclusions.
and finally the Inductive approach, which is probably how we should always read the bible, when try and understand the words how the author wants us to understand them.
What was it that the author was actually communicating?
What did the Word mean to the audience in the time that it was written?
 and out of those, what does the Word mean to us in today's time?
I feel like this way of Bible study changed my perspective on reading the Word. When I used to read the Bible I always read thinking that I was just going to find something out of the blue while reading randomly. Although it could work like that it doesn't seem like it should be like that every time I get into the word.
I think that another thing that has been a part of my life is about forgiveness; I don't think I've been able to forgive people for things small or big throughout my life, and I've learned that it is not good to have things like that in your heart because it's not good for it. How can you be forgiven by God if you haven't forgiven someone else?
but yeah, there is still a lot of things that I will have to learn during life but I feel like I've had a pretty good jumpstart so far.

Friday, January 28, 2011

to end all wars

was a good movie

i have 10 min to write something
I got my book signed by Loren Cunningham today, i thought it was awesome.. his book is just amazing to read for some reason. i also got to watch the movie "To End All Wars" directed by his son David.
uhm. yeah...
nothing's coming to mind right now. i'll have something better tomorrow i promise.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


it's so nice to have everything you need so close.
don't have to walk too far to get to places you need to go i.e walmart.. downtown... food.
Loren Cunningham (founder of YWAM) has been speaking for the week and the past few days i found it to be a little bit of a struggle.
the content he has is amazing. but maybe it's as we have different generations of styles that it makes me zone off sometimes. so i've realized that i have to focus very hard to be able to get everything in at first.. the first day i did doze of (Jesus.. forgive me) but i do realize that this is a great opportunity and honor to have him speaking here.
Loren Cunningham has a great sense of humor though.. i'm starting to enjoy his stories and what his experiences were by hearing what he and his wife have to say during the week.. and reading his book "Is That Really You God". i think i'm starting to enjoy reading a lot more than i used to.. i want to keep good habits here so i can continue to do them at home.
praying too.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


this is so exciting... we were so happy when we found out our groups.. the anticipation was killer haha
but seriously.. this is so awesome... my team is so great
it's sad that i can't go with the other half heading to Ukraine and Turkey
but i feel that it's going to be a great experience to see how we both interact with the people there..
i'm so stoked.
well anyway we can make sure that we have a good time over here with everyone and while we go out we can find out how we were in the other places and talk about it..
ohhh yeaaaaaaa
a;lskdjalkjnga;sdfnj;alkdjf i'm so happy i'm here haha

Monday, January 24, 2011


we had our first room check up today
kinda sad.. it was pretty messy
dirty dishes, clothes all over the floor.... mine were folded.. but i guess they don't like that either
got to see people dancing like crazy for 2 hours straight for JESUS.
i couldnt dance though.. i love Jesus but i couldnt find it in myself to dance
it was awesome to watch though.. people were having so much fun
i got to have a little bit of reading in "Is That Really You God?" by Loren Cunningham.
oh btw. He's a healer!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jesus Freaks

havent been able to get on in a few days
the internet has gotten very limited and that is sort of a blessing because it makes me spend less time on the computer and more time doing other things
today has been pretty awesome.. got to see stuff about the island
and about King Kamehameha. not dragonball either haha
starting to see a lot of things about how YWAM started and how it's affected people through "Is That Really You God?" by Loren Cunningham and watching Jesus Freaks this evening
it was one thing to hear about things that the people that i knew that went to DTS and watching the process of it through the people that have had the documentary of them.
I've seen that there are serious consequences for what we do. and that although we are here we are still vulnerable to many things
just because we're in an environment that we talk about God and learn about God doesn't mean that the enemy can't touch us. but then we can be stronger than the enemy if we just have God with us.
We finally got into outreach too, i'm pretty sure God is calling me to Chile... i just have this thought for Chile in my mind all the time, and it's probably just God saying "Go to Chile"
i'm pretty excited to go though... going to places that i've never even thought of going.. and being able to spread the Word with it.. couldn't have been a better way
i just can't stop learning. it's exciting. feel like it's going so fast... i want to learn as much as possible here.
and just keep learning even when i get home

Thursday, January 20, 2011


havent been able to post recently due to the internet shutting down for some reason
but things are going well... the Word is like calling out to me.. more than ever before
i'm loving hawaii but then starting to miss friends/family too
i have been a crazy note taker for class.. but reading through them i still gotta make sure that what i'm writing is making sense cuz sometimes i dont know what it is because they go so fast when they are teaching..
i feel that i know my outreach now... it was between Chili, Ukraine/Turkey and Tiuanna.. but i feel that God is leading me to Chili.. it seems to be the obly thing that runs thru my mind whenever i think of outreach
if anyone is reading this just continue to pray for me k thanks

Monday, January 17, 2011

prayer room

had some good time in the prayer room today.
we all just had a couple of hours of just prayer and reflection time while the band was playing.. very good
starting to see some things that i havent realized before
starting to grow more and getting into the word much more than i had back home
classes seem to be pretty good for me... very enjoyable... wanting to know more and more too
just praying that i can keep this going even when i get home.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

beach day.

went to a beach again
if anyone not in hawaii goes to hawaii... you have to swim oh and put on suburn too
but swimming is so fun
we could swim for hours.. haha
i had kalbi twice today..
eating so much out the food is good here in hawaii.. like kalbi to the max haha
my group had fun me singing lots of songs for some reason
i'm lovin it.
they're all so awesome

Saturday, January 15, 2011

the social network

i am currently laying down in the grass because i saw some people and i thought it would be comfy.. and yes it is
i went and watched the social network and we talked about how facebook can be a great tool for both good and evil
it was pretty exciting to be able to watch a movie and see what goes on with people and how they use media and social networking
wow i have total mibd blank right now and i cant get in anything about after the movie talk
but the school is doin weekly movies and they are going to talk about how we can see the movies and compare things from Christianity from the movie... i think it's going to be very interesting tobwatch them and talk about then from a Christian perspective

Friday, January 14, 2011


I got to hear Loren Cunningham speak today
that guy is old... but he is a great man of God.. to be able to go to all of the countries in the world to speak about God just has got all over it... I would've been hella scared if God told me to do that.
Starting to get used to doing things around here... hawaii is so beautiful
asdf... besides that i just not feeling the blogging right now
hopefully have some good stuff tomorrow...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Work duty

The University of the Nations has something called work duty...
it is to help make the campus clean and tidy and to help limit staff and work for everyone
i started to think my work duty was a lot harder than it really was..
the list says:
Team #4 Misc.
Empty Garbage Cans and Recycling
Remove garbage and recycling from cans place by dumpsters (There are 2 trash bins on the second floor, 1 on patio, 1 in ice Machine Room, 2 by reception, 1 in courtyard and 1 in large kitchen)
Clean Water Fountains
Wipe down fountains and clean area around it
Make sure to use a disinfectant
Dust and Clean glass box with models
Clean model and statue case and map
Clean Work Room
Put away misc. items
Sweep floors
Clean cabinets
Monday and Thursday: Mop floors
Housekeeping Supplies
Get housekeeping supplies from the Cage for washrooms (i.e. paper towel, toilet paper, disinfectant, soap containers, cleaning detergent, etc)
Stock store rooms

hmmm i felt that was kinda weird posting everything but yeah... it was a lot of fun doing it... i thought it was gonna be kinda harsh but i think it will be a lot of fun because there will be others around me and we can all hang out and stuff while doing it..

just went down to town again.. get some ice cream with some of the people in my group
the girls in my group are so awesome... they're so fun to hang out with
went down to the shore looking at the waves and stuff.. it was pretty cool
having a lot of fun already with the DTS group... they're cool to hang around with.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


why are you so big?
why have you entered my room?
nobody invited was all cool when girls were asking me to go in and kill one in their room.. but now why have you entered my room and try on my jacket?
i dont want to wear it anymore... >_<
now you're under my bed chillin... imma getchu cockroach... sooner or later.


today was somewhat of a crazy day... started first class and found out a little bit of what is gonna go on...
we played mafia today... another game that i thought nobody would know but me but then everyone knows it.. so cool... raining like crazy but then still went out and walked a half hour with some peeps to get some pizza haha.. we ate our pizza and called a cab but the guy was noob and we had to get a different guy out to pick us up..
wow i gotta work on my story telling... it's not working well..

Monday, January 10, 2011

monday 1/10/11

had my first day of class today.
some interesting challenges come up
we all had introductions of what's going to be going on for the next 3 months.. and what plans are going on to try and choose what outreach we're gonna go to... i have no idea yet.. very curious on what i'm gonna be going into for outreach
roommates are pretty tight now.. we're all pretty much bros... we're starting to learn more about each other.. but then still got a lot more to learn about
looking forward to more bonding time
same with my DTS group.. called the DTS 360
we've done a photo scavenger hunt. and went to the beach
the city in Kona is pretty cool.. lots of places to go to... nice places to shop
we've been going down pretty often just cuz it's so close to us and so we can all go around and explore

Sunday, January 9, 2011


went to a Hawaiian church for sunday worship
different but similar at the same time
pastor talked about Jesus and the end coming... anti christ and stuff... really crazy... possibilities of end time soon

nice word huh?
i just thought of it now.. yeah probably used somewhere else but who cares

Saturday, January 8, 2011


swimming is crazy man
got sunburned and rode waves... saw surfers and started to wonder how they weren't hitting people... but then i realized that they have to wipe out if someone is below them or they'd hit the swimmer... the ones i saw were all like pads though... didnt think that they could use those for surfing but turns out they do very well.. not sure if i'll be able to learn to surf.. getting kinda crazy...
classes haven't even started yet but still there are things happening like crazy
one of my roommates have been feelin sick but through prayer he is feeling better! amen!
roommates are pretty much like family now.. feels like it's been months even when it's only been a couple days...
lovin it.

Friday, January 7, 2011

DTS first day.

First off, Hawaii is HOT.
it's like how i remember arizona weather...
but besides that i think hawaii is so awesome, the people, weather, everything...
God made us all, so that makes us family, and I think i'm starting to learn more about that.
only the first full day i'm here so i still gotta get used to things but it's lookin pretty good
i got a free leigh? bleh i dont know how to spell..but yeah it was awesome
still got a lot of things to learn but i know that God is going to work through all of us here.
the whole campus is pretty awesome i am really excited to see what God does here at DTS 360 in Kona, and all the other schools that are going on.
i'm starting to miss home though :\
i wonder if you miss me as much as i miss you
i heard Jungi and his parents are here too.. i'm pretty excited to see them too.

Monday, January 3, 2011

first blog

this is the first blog
i haven't blogged in a while.. i did on xanga in my freshman sophomore high school but i thought that it's a good time to start again and actually look back in the future when i've done many posts.
i'm gonna try to post often
maybe daily... if not weekly.
I'm just getting ready for DTS gotta be going from one of the coldest states (washington) to the warmest (hawaii)
i should pack but i realize that i kinda just want to go shopping for new clothes.. but then every time i actually do go i hate it and just want to go home
sort of a ramble
but anyway
when i go to do DTS i want to be able to learn the many things i probably should have a while ago. but better late then never right?
 i'm going to miss my yunhap group
but i'll try to post often so you won't miss me so much :)