Friday, February 25, 2011


i am such a forgetful person, in the name of Jesus please help me to get rid of these problems of forgetfulness
i thought i lost my notebook.. i took it out the other day to put some other stuff in it and left it on my bed but it got knocked over. then i freaked out because i lost my notebook which had weeks of lecture notes on it
so i prayed and prayed and talked with my friends and they said it'll show up. and thank God... it did
God had given me strength through a lot of the lectures here.. physically and spiritually.
He provided me with friends too that are such inspiration because we're all at different levels and we learn differently and we can learn from each other..
i just give thanks to God for friends, family, strength, knowledge.
i feel like a bible verse came up.. i remember reading it in a card that one of my cousins gave to my family. it's Ephesians 1:16 saying "I have not stopped giving thanks for you."
just reminds us that we need to be not only talking with the Lord at all times but also giving thanks for what He has done throughout your life and others' lives.
always be thankful for blessings He has given

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