Wednesday, January 26, 2011


it's so nice to have everything you need so close.
don't have to walk too far to get to places you need to go i.e walmart.. downtown... food.
Loren Cunningham (founder of YWAM) has been speaking for the week and the past few days i found it to be a little bit of a struggle.
the content he has is amazing. but maybe it's as we have different generations of styles that it makes me zone off sometimes. so i've realized that i have to focus very hard to be able to get everything in at first.. the first day i did doze of (Jesus.. forgive me) but i do realize that this is a great opportunity and honor to have him speaking here.
Loren Cunningham has a great sense of humor though.. i'm starting to enjoy his stories and what his experiences were by hearing what he and his wife have to say during the week.. and reading his book "Is That Really You God". i think i'm starting to enjoy reading a lot more than i used to.. i want to keep good habits here so i can continue to do them at home.
praying too.

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