Friday, January 7, 2011

DTS first day.

First off, Hawaii is HOT.
it's like how i remember arizona weather...
but besides that i think hawaii is so awesome, the people, weather, everything...
God made us all, so that makes us family, and I think i'm starting to learn more about that.
only the first full day i'm here so i still gotta get used to things but it's lookin pretty good
i got a free leigh? bleh i dont know how to spell..but yeah it was awesome
still got a lot of things to learn but i know that God is going to work through all of us here.
the whole campus is pretty awesome i am really excited to see what God does here at DTS 360 in Kona, and all the other schools that are going on.
i'm starting to miss home though :\
i wonder if you miss me as much as i miss you
i heard Jungi and his parents are here too.. i'm pretty excited to see them too.


  1. Calvin!!! i had no idea you were doing DTS :D Awesome :) God is going to do some amazing things through you, no doubt! if you meet a Korean guy by the name of Justin Seo doing School of Photogenics say hi for me. He is one of my favorite dongsaengs :) Wohooooooooo :D
