Monday, January 10, 2011

monday 1/10/11

had my first day of class today.
some interesting challenges come up
we all had introductions of what's going to be going on for the next 3 months.. and what plans are going on to try and choose what outreach we're gonna go to... i have no idea yet.. very curious on what i'm gonna be going into for outreach
roommates are pretty tight now.. we're all pretty much bros... we're starting to learn more about each other.. but then still got a lot more to learn about
looking forward to more bonding time
same with my DTS group.. called the DTS 360
we've done a photo scavenger hunt. and went to the beach
the city in Kona is pretty cool.. lots of places to go to... nice places to shop
we've been going down pretty often just cuz it's so close to us and so we can all go around and explore

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