Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Acts 15, Psalms 37:8-20, Numbers 9-11

In Numbers.. it kinda showed me how people can be treated with things but never really be fully satisfied. The people were all sent away from Egypt and was led by Moses out into a place probably much less suffering compared to while they were at Egypt but they ended up just complaining after a while because they were being fed just manna. But even then God would listen to the people and understand Moses as he would put in the complaints from the people, and then sends them Quail... He always listens whether we want to just say something or if we need to complain.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

God is Love.

Today Pastor Ben's sermon had a pretty good impact on me when i was listening to him. i mean.. it wasn't really things that i didn't know, but it was good to have some good encouragement and reassurance... it was really good for me to learn these kinds of things like God not just taking crap from us... but he continues to love us under any circumstances... and we just need to look towards Him and we would be able to go on knowing that He has a plan for what we have ahead of us.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Acts 12, Psalm 36, Numbers 4

For the longest time growing up in the church i always wondered what it would be like to be able to see angels... i didn't actually know what it would be like but i remember thinking back at DTS there was one teacher that talked about being able to see spirits.. it is a gift from God.. God probably gives it only to people that are going to be able to handle it.
In Numbers... God is splitting up people into different clans and gives them all the duty to guard the Tabernacle. He divided them into the Gershonite Clan and the Merarite Clan and they both had duties to work on the Tabernacle.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Acts 11, Psalm 35:11-28, Numbers 2-3

Acts is starting to become very interesting because although these were people that were with Jesus and they've seen everything that Jesus did... they were stopped after Jesus died and rose and went to Heaven... The Holy Spirit that is in these verses is the same one that is with us today... therefore we are able to do all the things that Peter was doing back then...we just need the faith.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Acts 10:23-48, Psalms 35:1-10, Numbers 1.

I didn't even notice that last reading was the end of Leviticus... there were so many things that i kinda couldn't see relevant but i think it turned out pretty well going through and i did learn at least things about culture. Although the book name changed though it doesn't seem like there is a big jump it just seems to continue on with Moses and what he is doing with Aaron to lead the people.
Acts is starting to become inspiring and discouraging at the same time i think... it shows that we as believers of Christ have the same capabilities as Peter or John as long as we stay in touch with the Holy Spirit... but i feel many times we can doubt the things that the Holy Spirit can do...but it feels good to know that these things are happening because i've seen things like this happen... to be baptized by the Holy Spirit and seeing people that have never spoken in other languages start to speak in tongue... it's pretty crazy at first but seeing what happens... the only explanation is the Holy Spirit... people will be baffled by seeing these kinds of things because they don't know the Holy Spirit... but then... when i first saw people speaking in tongues i was kinda surprised too... and even speaking in tongues when i do it, it still is pretty crazy... it is a great tool to communicate with God but i would say it isn't always necessary to use... people can be creeped out by it and it could draw non believers away and keep them away.. but at the right times it can be pretty powerful.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Acts 10:1-22, Psalm 34, Leviticus 26-27

I find it kinda hard to be able to say much about these verses right now... but just some that stuck out to me were...
Leviticus 26:7 "Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand! All your enemies will fall beneath your sword."
Psalm 34:2-3 "I will boast only in the LORD; let all who are helpless take heart. Com, let us tell of the LORD's greatness; let us exalt his name together.
Acts 10:11-15 "He saw the sky open, and something like a large sheet was let down by its four corners. In the sheet were all sorts of animals, reptiles, and birds. Then a voice said to him, 'Get up, Peter; kill and eat them.'
'No, Lord,' Peter declared. 'I have never eaten anything that our Jewish laws have declared impure and unclean.'
But the voice spoke again: 'Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean.'
I kinda have a hard time just trying to talk much about anything i've read so far... but sometimes the Bible can just have its way just by the words i guess.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Acts 9, Proverbs 5, Leviticus 24-25

Sometimes i feel like i need to be reminded that making mistakes doesn't necessarily end the world... Acts 9 is a good example because it showed a man, Saul... who arrested and killed Christians... now i'm not saying i'm not any better than him though because I sin too. The thing is that Jesus ends up reaching out to Saul, and He tells Saul that what he is doing is wrong. By reading the scripture it shows that not soon after Jesus reaches out to Saul, Saul ends up becoming Jesus' instrument to go spread the gospel... this passage was kinda refreshing because i thought about myself and was thinking of how many times i've failed at so many different things..and how sometimes i give up even before starting.. i always need strength from Jesus and need to ask him what i need to be doing...