Friday, February 25, 2011


i am such a forgetful person, in the name of Jesus please help me to get rid of these problems of forgetfulness
i thought i lost my notebook.. i took it out the other day to put some other stuff in it and left it on my bed but it got knocked over. then i freaked out because i lost my notebook which had weeks of lecture notes on it
so i prayed and prayed and talked with my friends and they said it'll show up. and thank God... it did
God had given me strength through a lot of the lectures here.. physically and spiritually.
He provided me with friends too that are such inspiration because we're all at different levels and we learn differently and we can learn from each other..
i just give thanks to God for friends, family, strength, knowledge.
i feel like a bible verse came up.. i remember reading it in a card that one of my cousins gave to my family. it's Ephesians 1:16 saying "I have not stopped giving thanks for you."
just reminds us that we need to be not only talking with the Lord at all times but also giving thanks for what He has done throughout your life and others' lives.
always be thankful for blessings He has given

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I am listening to music

listening to music, reading, typing,
this is school... sometimes i forget.. because it's so awesome in learning about God and how it's actually impacting my life. i'm sure school does impact life but this is so much different than academics..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


God can make you do anything
He gives us gifts and talents
He blesses us
that's it.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

week start 2/21/11

i get so excited about things i'm learning.. this is pretty cool... I am going to start learning from a girl named Amy Sullars. i'm not sure if i got her name right but she is an amazing person gifted by God.. and just getting to hear her speak is pretty exciting in itself.
she did her DTS not too long ago but the more exciting part is her testimony and how she got to coming to DtS. i'm excited to learn from her and what God wants her to say to us.
another exciting thing is that i finally got to go to hayashi's.. the sushi spot here.. and i have to say.. it was nothing short of amazing.. i think i want to go again very soon haha

Saturday, February 19, 2011

game night

had a game night with the group.
some of them are still playing.
a lot of interesting games people think of haha.
today at dinner i got to play a game just like nerts.. just that it had its own specific deck for it.. was pretty exciting but it was harder because the cards were different
asdf... daily blogs can get kinda lame.. but actually i might have a post tomorrow of what i've learned this week.. it was a great week with uncle Penny about the father heart of God

Friday, February 18, 2011


eh.. i don't want to sound cheesy.
but yeah.. God works in awesome ways... i feel so refreshed by Him but yet i am still the same guy
i just need more guidance from Him.
i'm just trying to put my trust in God more and more for what He has in store.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

wendys trip

oh how i love Jesus,
and trips to eat food at night because we all get hungry
tonight i got to see a centipede and a millipede... it was pretty exciting...
my friend Eva definitely screamed hella loud and ran off.. i was pretty freaked out too.. i hate bugs.
oh how fun... bleeehh

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

you're starting to put things on my heart very clearly God

either that or i just haven't been listening or accepting the things you show me.
probably the latter.
i don't think a long post is necessary. just gotta say that i have to keep trusting God for what He has planned for me. and how He's gonna prepare me for the things ahead.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Ok God.
i'm pretty sure i can't really ignore this much longer... I am amazed by what you have shown me through Penny our speaker today. and i'm excited to hear much more from him.
but You God, have been pretty much waving this leadership thing right in front of me... there have been a few different times that which you have put me into a position saying that i am going to be a leader someday... i've kinda just shrugged it off... and that probably wasnt a good idea, but i don't know what i am exactly supposed to do. so will You show me? will You train me into what i need to do to become this "leadership" figure because You're obviously telling me i need to do something with it.
i just don't feel ready yet... but i know You are going to put me through the things i need to get through. i just gotta have faith and see what You have planned for me throughout the next few months and the future ahead of it. so.. just continue to help me grow more to be able to have these qualities because i know one thing for sure. that i can't do anything unless it's your plan.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

month here

can't believe it's already been a month..
i feel like i've learned a whole lot but i havent learned enough yet
i think the hardest part is actually applying it now.. but loads of information is coming in and i'm lovin' it

Thursday, February 10, 2011


i am hungry... in two ways... physically... yes i am craving food at 9:30pm.. almost every day..
and also spiritually... by continuously going to church for the past forever since i was born i didn't fully recognize how hungry i am for Jesus.. and what i am willing to do for him. in 20 years of my life i feel like i still need to learn more... and i feel like a whole lifetime isnt enough
but having a relationship with Him is just so wonderful. because He's always there.
i just have to look for Him. i feel that i still need to learn so much. time just goes by so fast. gotta get more.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011


i had pho today. yum.
watched like last 10 min of superbowl. totally missed glee. T-T but gonna watch soon
watched the strangers.. worst 6 bucks i spent in my life... never seen such a poorly made movie..
asdf... yeah. i'm so burnt.. i feel like i'm posting like i did back in the day on xanga.. i should've just kept posting on there..

Friday, February 4, 2011


well.. finished reading a book and realized that i should take notes and look at the criteria while reading the book because the assignment was a lot harder than i thought

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dean Sherman

Dean Sherman is a speaker at YWAM that has been speaking for years.
he's old... but he's a funny funny guy. he's been teaching about love and relationships
Before the beginning, there was a relationship. that of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We were made in the likeness of God
and a lot of other stuff... i just realized how awesome i was able to listen to him because it just felt that he was teaching so many things that you wouldnt hear from just sunday worship
and other things like that
i feel like i'm being overflowed by scripture lately.. it's pretty awesome.
i've learned that if there is no God there is no love.
the image of God is never alone-ness.
omg.. just so many things
s;ladkgjalskdhfa;lkdjf come and fill me up.